Final Cut Pro/Motion 5 Tutorial Roundup | May 3 - May 10, 2020

Best FCPX/Motion 5 Tutorials for the Week Ending May 10, 2020

In this week’s tutorial roundup, we’ll learn some essential color correction techniques, awesome custom transitions, cool graphic tricks and more. Welcome back to the Final Cut Pro/Motion 5 tutorial roundup for the week ending May 10, 2020. If you’re new here, every week, we scour the internet to and bring you the best Final Cut Pro/Motion tutorials released this week to help you MAKE BETTER VIDEOS

Larry Jordan

The king of Final Cut Pro tutorials, Larry Jordan is back this week with THREE videos, all about color correction. In Larry’s releases this week, we learn how to remove color casts from skin, change color with Hue/Sauration Curves, and how to get the most out of the Balance Color and Match Color tools built into Final Cut Pro.

Ben Halsall

Sticking to the color correction topic, in his quick tutorial, Ben Halsall teaches us how to quickly remove color cast, from and otherwise perfectly color balanced video clip.


Ripple Training

Steve Martin from Ripple Training answers a question from one of their viewers this week, about how to generate custom graphics in Final Cut Pro from a spreadsheet. In this tutorial, Mark shows us how to automatically generate hundreds of lower thirds using a spreadsheet, Apple Motion and an inexpensive 3rd-party app.



Alberto Morales, aka KingTutsPro, shows us how to create 5 awesome music video style transitions right in Final Cut Pro. All his examples can be done right in Final Cut Pro, without having to download or install any expensive plugins. 


Dylan John

In another custom transition tutorial, Dylan John recreates the cool foreground wipe transition from Sam Colder’s ‘Memories of Saudi’ video. And just like KingTutsPro, Dylan does everything in Final Cut Pro, with no plugins.


Bryan Fransisco

Bryan’s take on custom transitions in Final Cut Pro focuses more on the filming aspect. This week, Bryan shares how he made an awesome looking spin transition, by taping an action camera to a drill and editing it in Final Cut Pro. 


Motion Array Tutorials

Ever learn a new trick in Final Cut Pro that you wish you knew ages ago? Jordan from Motion Array Tutorials shares with us some Final Cut Pro tips he wished he knew ages ago. You might already be using some of these, but there’s some very valuable information here in their latest video. 


The Roundup

A nice variety of Final Cut Pro/Motion 5 tutorials this week, with everything ranging from cool video effects, to mare technical aspects of video editing, such as color correction and automation. What’s your favorite tutorial this week? Let us know in the comments below. And, once again, if we missed anyone, please let us know, and we’ll make sure to include them next week’s roundup.